Current Editorial




For the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Tunisia (INRAT), the year 2016 has been rich in events: (i) the assessment by CNEAR of the new Contract-program of the institution has been an opportunity to clarify the new directions, to harmonize the programs of the different laboratories and to build a program of the institution targeting better synergy between different teams, pooling of resources and strengthening the link with development. In this regard, (ii) the edition of the first Special Issue of the “Annals de l’INRAT”, dedicated to innovations and the holding of a Information Day to ensure their dissemination through our partners, renews the tradition of the edition of technical documents but in a more simplified form and illustrates the determination to strengthen the partnership with the development sector. Finally, (iii) the decision of the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, to grant due royalties to three INRAT cereals varieties gives further support to the approach, reward the effort of research teams and encourage them to "innovate" more.

Certainly, the two aspects, fundamental and innovative, should coexist and complement for (i) stay at Diapason, or even contribute to the scientific progress, in particular through strengthening of the national and international cooperation, rich in opportunities and initiatives (ii) benefiting development sector through transforming this progress into innovative actions and transferring them through partnership agreements with the professionals.

The "Annales de l’INRAT", under its two aspects (fundamental research and innovation), on paper or online form, contributes greatly to enhance visibility of the institution, the research laboratories and researchers. It is now the responsibility of all to spare no effort to improve the quality of publications and fact sheets innovation and contributing to the strengthening the visibility and the image of the institution at the international level and for development partners.


Journal Director

Prof. Mohamed BEN HAMOUDA